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Campus: CW
Term: SPR 24
Select Courses
ACP 505INTA - Introduction To Pharmacology (NURSE)
ACP 505X - Introduction To Pharmacology (NURSE)
ACP 505Y - Introduction To Pharmacology (NURSE)
ACP 505Z - Introduction To Pharmacology (NURSE)
ACP 507INTS - Physical Examination (NURSE)
ACP 516INTS - Introductory Life Support (NURSE)
BIOL 108AX - Introduction To Biodiversity (UTRAN)
BIOL 30A - Biology 30 (CPREP)
BIOL 30X - Biology 30 (CPREP)
BUS 103INTA - Introductory Business Computing (BUSAD)
BUS 107INTA - Business Communication I (BUSAD)
BUS 110INTA - Business Mathematics (BUSAD)
BUS 117INTA - Business Communication II (BUSAD)
BUS 130INTA - Introduction Accounting I (BUSAD)
BUS 131INTA - Introductory Accounting II (BUSAD)
BUS 191INTA - Management (BUSAD)
BUS 232INTA - Corporate Finance (BUSAD)
BUS 239INTA - Marketing (BUSAD)
BUS 264A - Integrated Case (BUSAD)
BUS 270INTA - Organizational Behaviour (BUSAD)
CHEM 101 AVX - Intro To University Chemistry I (UTRAN)
CHSD 101A - Child Development I (ECD)
CHSD 201A - Child Development II (ECD)
CHSD 215INTS - Exceptionality IV: Behavioural Disorders (ECD)
CHSD 220INTA - School-Aged Care (ECD)
CHSD 223INTS - Working With Eal Children (ECD)
CHSD 224INTS - Working W/ Children W/ Asd (ECD)
CHSD 225INTS - Working W/ Communication Disorders (ECD)
CHSD 226INTS - Fostering Diverse Learning Environments (ECD)
COMSC 175A - Introduction Foundation Computation II (UTRAN)
COMSC 175X - Introduction Foundation Computation II (UTRAN)
EA 210A - Practicum II (ECD)
EA 225A - Practicum Seminar II (ECD)
ELCC 110A - Practicum I (ECD)
ELCC 110B - Practicum I (ECD)
ELCC 125INS2 - Practicum Seminar I (ECD)
ELCC 125INTS - Practicum Seminar I (ECD)
ELCC 210A - Practicum II (ECD)
ELCC 225INTS - Practicum Seminar II (ECD)
ELCC 343 - Interpersonal Relationshi, Ethics And Team Dynamics (ECD)
ELCC 350EHF - Infants And Toddlers (ECD)
ELEC3A - Electrician 3rd Period (APPREN)
ELEC4A - Electrician 4th Period (APPREN)
ENGL 104E - Introduction To Critical Analysis (UTRAN)
ENGL 30-1 - English 30-1 (CPREP)
ENGL 30-2INTS - English 30-2 (CPREP)
ENVT 170 - Animal Identification (ENVSCI)
ENVT 170A - Animal Identification (ENVSCI)
ENVT 262INTA - Enviro Laws/Regulations/Land Rights (ENVSCI)
HD1A - Heavy Equipment Technician 1st Period (APPREN)
HD2A - Heavy Equipment Technician 2nd Period (APPREN)
HD3A - Heavy Equipment Technician 3rd Period (APPREN)
MATH 031A - Mathematics 31 (CPREP)
MATH 30-2ABLD - Math 30 2 (CPREP)
MILL1A - Millwright1St Period (APPREN)
MILL2A - Millwright 2nd Period (APPREN)
NURS 222A - Indigenous Health In Canada (NURSE)
NUTR 100 - Nutrition And Wellbeing (UTRAN)
OA 133A - On The Job Training (OFFAD)
PE 3RD CLASS - 3Rd Class Power Engineering (POWER)
PE 4TH CLASS - 4Th Class Power Engineering (POWER)
PN 160A - Continuing Care Practice (NURSE)
PN 160B - Continuing Care Practice (NURSE)
PN 160C - Continuing Care Practice (NURSE)
PN 160D - Continuing Care Practice (NURSE)
PSYCH 104INTS - Basic Psychological Processes (UTRAN)
SOCY 100INTA - Introductory Sociology (UTRAN)
SOWK 155A - Practicum (HSERV)
STAT 151A - Introduction To Applied Statistic I (UTRAN)
STAT 151X - Introduction To Applied Statistic I (UTRAN)
STEAM1A - Steamfitter/Pipefitter 1st Period (APPREN)
STEAM4A - Steamfitter/Pipefitter 4th Period (APPREN)
WELD3A - Welding 3rd Period (APPREN)