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Campus: CW
Term: WIN 24
Select Courses
ACP 501INTS - Anatomy And Physiology (NURSE)
ACP 502INTS - Pathophysiology (NURSE)
ACP 503A - Pre-Hospital Skills (NURSE)
ACP 511A - Emergency Diagnosis And Treatment (NURSE)
ACP 513A - Advanced Life Support (NURSE)
ACP 514A - Advanced Paramedic Skills (NURSE)
HCA - Health Care Aide (NURSE)
HE ED102A - Health Education: Individual Health & We (NURSE)
NURS 116AHF - Pathophysiology And Pharmacology (NURSE)
NURS 124AHF - Foundations Of Nursing I (NURSE)
NURS 125A - Nursing Practice Health Assessment Proce (NURSE)
NURS 200AHF - Innovation, Systems & Leadership Health (NURSE)
NURS 217AHF - Pathophysiology And Pharmacology III (NURSE)
NURS 224AHF - Foundations Of Nursing III (NURSE)
NURS 225A - Intro Acute Care Nursing Practice III (NURSE)
NURS 225B - Intro Acute Care Nursing Practice III (NURSE)
NURS 311E2HF - Evidence Informed Nursing Practice (NURSE)
NURS 323A - Community Nursing Through The Lifespan (NURSE)
NURS 325L1 - Nursing Practice - Advanced Acute Care I (NURSE)
NURS 327Y - Mental Health & Wellness In Nursing (NURSE)
NURS 400A - Leadership In Nursing & Interprofessiona (NURSE)
PAPHY105AHF - Pathophysiologyhealth-Care Professional (NURSE)
PCP 100A - Communications For The Prehospital Care (NURSE)
PCP 101A - Health Assessment Prehospital Care Profe (NURSE)
PCP 102A - Introductory Anatomy And Physiology (NURSE)
PCP 103A - Pcp Integrated Theory I (NURSE)
PCP 105A - Pathophysiology (NURSE)
PCP 106A - Introduction To Pharmacology (NURSE)
PHARM130AHF - Basic Pharmacotherapeutics (NURSE)
PN 155A - (Winter 2024 Cohort) Nursing Foundations I: Intro To Nurs (NURSE)
PN 156A - (Fall2023 Cohort) Nursing Foundations II:Basic Nurse (NURSE)
PN 156Z - (Fall2023 Cohort) Nursing Foundations II:Basic Nurse (NURSE)
PN 204A - Nursing Foundations VI:Community (NURSE)
PN 206A - Nursing Foundations VIII:Tran-Grad (NURSE)
PN 209A - Nursing Practice III:Comprehensive Pract (NURSE)
PN 209B - Nursing Practice III:Comprehensive Pract (NURSE)
PN 210A - Nursing Practice II Acute Care Medicine (NURSE)
PN 211A - Nursing Practice II Acute Care Surgery (NURSE)
PN 211B - Nursing Practice II Acute Care Surgery (NURSE)
PSYCH 103PN - Introduction To Psychology (NURSE)